In a thought-provoking episode of the Diamond Podcast, host Alfredo Diamond delved into the remarkable life and mission of Professor Tim Scales, a multifaceted educator, entrepreneur, and community leader at Indiana University East who is transforming young lives through education and mentorship.
A Tapestry of Roles and Passion
Tim Scales is far more than a typical academic. His professional portfolio includes:
- Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship
- Director of the Center for Economic Education
- Senior Lecturer in the School of Business
- Faculty Athletics Representative
- Community Mentor
The BOSS Program: A Legacy of Empowerment
At the heart of Scales’ work is the BOSS (Business Opportunities for Student Success) program, a transformative initiative he developed 18 years ago. What began as a modest state-funded project has blossomed into a global movement of youth entrepreneurship:
Program Highlights
- Over 7,000 students served
- Expanded to multiple countries including India, Mexico, South Africa, and Tunisia
- Implemented in Indianapolis public schools
- Named North America’s top youth talent development program in 2021
Unique Approach
Scales intentionally keeps the program small, typically hosting 10-25 students per session. His philosophy is deeply personal – he wants to ensure each student receives individual attention and support.
Roots of Inspiration
Scales’ commitment to community development stems from his own childhood experiences. He fondly recalls early mentors like Charlie Roosevelt, who would invite young Tim to his office and make him feel valued. These experiences shaped his belief in the transformative power of mentorship.
“We have to understand that what we’re talking about is just being leaders in a community and taking care of a community,” Scales shared. “We didn’t get there without the community taking care of us.”
Giving Back: The Tim Scales Action Fund
Beyond the BOSS program, Scales established an Action Fund through the Wayne County Foundation, demonstrating his commitment to removing barriers for youth. This year, the fund will sponsor Boys and Girls Club memberships for 225 students, ensuring access to critical developmental opportunities.
From Banking to Academia: A Journey of Passion
Scales’ career trajectory is as unique as his approach to education. After 18 years in banking, he transitioned to academia, teaching evening classes while maintaining his full-time banking job. His passion for both fields was evident – colleagues would joke that he looked like a professor in the bank and a banker on campus.
Financial Wisdom: Working Smart
Drawing from his banking background, Scales offers profound financial advice:
- Start saving early (he bought his first stocks at age seven)
- Be strategic about investments
- Avoid unnecessary debt
- Invest time and effort in personal growth
Beyond the Classroom: A Lifelong Commitment
What sets Scales apart is his ongoing commitment to his students. He has:
- Shaken hands with every single BOSS program participant
- Maintained relationships with students years after graduation
- Even officiated a wedding for former students
The Essence of Mentorship
Scales understands that mentorship is about more than academic or professional guidance. It’s about creating spaces where young people can discover their potential, feel valued, and develop confidence.
“We don’t know who’s watching us,” he emphasizes, highlighting the profound impact of seemingly small interactions.
Conclusion: A Beacon of Hope and Opportunity
Through the BOSS program, the Action Fund, and his tireless mentorship, Tim Scales is not just educating students – he’s cultivating future leaders, entrepreneurs, and community advocates.
Alfredo Diamond’s podcast interview revealed more than a professional profile; it showcased a lifelong dedication to empowering the next generation, one student at a time.